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Breathing for detox

In the northern hemisphere, the winter month of January plays host to hibernation for most animals. They eat loads, get cozy in their hole or cave, turn down their metabolism and just take life easy. During this time their bodies use the fat from the previous eating binge as energy, not only to keep them alive, but also to repair any damage done from injury and infection. In short, animals slow down to work on getting themselves fit for the year to come, beginning in the spring. Many people have talked about how great it would be to hibernate - binge-eat, then sleep all winter long and wake up in March ready to sassy up the new season. Although this would be physically impossible for anyone not hooked up to a respirator and a feeding machine, many of us do use the winter months to focus on getting ourselves healthier and more in sync with our personal goals. We do (or try to do) more exercise, are more mindful of what we eat, and typically spend less money, and this gives us an advantage when warmer weather encourages us to be more social. When we detox, our bodies do several things. We get rid of waste that accumulates in fat cells, and (like the animals) we repair tissues that have been damaged by injury, infection, pollution in our personal space or outside environment, or inflammation from unhealthy eating and drinking. Even our thought-patterns and serotonin levels (which influence mental state) are adjusted when we make these changes, and stricter adherence to a chosen health plan often sees stronger results. After a 1-2 month detox, most people feel healthier, find that they have more energy, and either lose or gain weight - whatever their bodies need. There are several ways people can chose to detox, and all are valid, but knowing which plan is right for you - as an individual - can be a challenge when there is so much information available - some of it very conflicting! So for a few posts, I’ll examine different aspects of detox which benefit almost everyone. By law (in just about every country), I have to say that these ideas won’t cure any illnesses and please talk with your doctor before embarking on any diet, detox or following brazen health advice. Au Votre Saunte! The first thing that’s important when considering detox is breathing. You can live for weeks without food. You can live for days without water. You can only live for minutes without air. This indicates how important it is to get enough of it! Clean air helps reduce excess carbon dioxide in your body, which comes with all kinds of handy-dandy benefits. It helps balance blood pressure, it helps strengthen the lungs and other body muscles (including the heart muscle), and also, it just relaxes you. Reducing excess CO2 also reduces acidity in the body, for those who want to geek out on chemistry, the equation looks like this: When CO2 is dissolved in the bloodstream, it reacts with water: H2O + CO2 <==> H2CO3 <==> H+ + HCO3- If the CO2 concentration is increased, the first reaction shifts to the right, increasing the production of H2CO3 (carbonic acid). When that concentration is increased, its decomposition reaction also shifts to the right producing more H+ (hydrogen ion), and that is what is responsible for the increased acidity. Body pH is a super-important thing to be aware of because decreased pH (increased acidity) is quite common and contributes to health problems, so I’ll revisit this in subsequent posts. For these reasons, it is necessary to take time to breathe each day. Find a quiet comfortable space where there are no interruptions. Ideally, wear comfortable clothing and sit with a straight back, cross-legged on the floor, on a rug or cushion if needed. Place your hands on your knees (palms up or down, as you please). Take as much time as you’d like, but if possible, at least 5 minutes for the whole exercise. Close your eyes. Shut out the world around you and all of your day-to-day cares or concerns. Visualise putting them all into a box out of reach in the next room, or far away. If any of these thoughts come to you during the breathing exercise, acknowledge them gently and then let go of them. Go inside yourself to that place of safety. Start to notice your breath, and the way you breathe naturally so that you can remember what that is like. When you are ready to begin, inhale through your nose for a count of 4, then hold that breath for a count of 4, then exhale through your mouth for a count of 4, then hold the breath for a count of 4. Do this cycle at least 10 times, or as many times as you’d like. If you start to feel light headed, just return to breathing naturally. When you finish with the pattern breathing, gradually bring yourself back to your natural pattern and wait for a few moments. Open your eyes at your own pace. If this exercise makes you drowsy, allow yourself to have a nap. If you feel energised, perhaps take a walk or use the energy to get things done. I hope this brings you health, energy and focus, but whatever your reaction, feedback is welcome. In the next post, I’ll examine the effects of water on health and detoxification. Be well.

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